Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Baby Beats

I am now at 28 weeks! This means we only have about 12 weeks (or maybe less) to go!

Our little girl can blink her eyes now, which now sport lashes. With her eyesight developing, she may be able to see the light that filters in through my womb. She's also developing billions of neurons in her brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.

I am now officially in the third and final trimester. I'll see my doctor every 2 weeks now, and at 36 weeks I'll switch to weekly visits. We have an appointment tomorrow morning, so I'll be sure to update you on anything new!

Side bar: this weather is ridiculous. I know, I know, who isn't talking about the weather. But seriously - enough is enough! June is over! Let's get some sunshine up in this piece!

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