Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Our Roommate, Kelly

Hi All,

Kelly, our roommate, was wondering if she was included in our blog. I said, "no Kelly, you are not."

She said, "oh... it doesn't sound very interesting then."

Surprisingly, I agreed. So I said, "let me see what I can do."

This post is not about our baby. It is about Kelly. Kelly is 5'3", with blonde hair and blue eyes. She is full of math equations. She doesn't like cartoons, but I think Family Guy is growing on her, since Andy and I keep making her watch it. How can you not like Family Guy? Kelly is famous for the one-off hiccup.

Kelly lives with us, and we really like having her around. She gets the mail, she keeps things neat, and she has a knack for buying awesome snacks. She brings us cheap toiletries from New Hampshire whenever she can. She keeps us entertained with stories of late night texts from secret admirerers and her funny anecdotes about life. She doesn't like food that is white and creamy, and she eats EVERYTHING with a knife and fork, including peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. It's not her fault, she has dental limitations.

If you'd like to know more about Kelly, respond to this post, and I will be sure to keep you updated. But before I go, I will leave you with our quote of the week from Andy:
"So you were out for 7 hours, and you had 4 drinks. Explain yourself Kelly. We don't understand."

And our quote of the week from Kelly (unrelated):
"One time..."



  1. "One Time"..... what!? Did she bury a body behind a dumpster in South Chelsea.......once?
