Friday, June 26, 2009

Baby Beats

Hi everyone!!

So, I am now 27 weeks and 2 days along (which is over 6 months!!) and on Monday, Andy and I went to the doctor for a special ultrasound. We got another ultrasound picture but I am not even going to send it because you can’t tell at ALL what anything is – trust me. Our little girl likes to hide and wouldn’t show her face. She also had her legs above her head the entire time, so she’s very flexibleJ Instead I attached a photo of me and my belly, taken today at lunch. I am actually standing in the same spot I was standing when Andy proposed to me, behind the Boston Harbor Hotel on the Harbor WalkJ

I thought you’d like to hear some things about your soon to be favorite little girl!

She now weighs 2 pounds and 6 ounces. THAT’S BIG! She is in the 74th percentile in terms of size, and the doctor said anything between 50 and 75% is great. So we’re in good shape! She’s definitely on the bigger size which explains my gigantic belly! Baby’s heartbeat is strong, fluids are normal, and all in all, everything is exactly where it should be.

As most of you know, I was told at 18 weeks that I had “Placenta Previa,” which means that the baby’s placenta was too low and blocking the opening of my cervix (the baby’s way out during delivery). This meant that I might have to have a c-section instead of a regular birth. We were told that I shouldn’t do any real physical activity beyond the occasional walking, to stay off my feet as much as possible, and to go on “pelvic rest” (in other words, we haven’t consummated our marriage yet). So as long as we stick to the doctor’s orders, it doesn’t affect the health of the baby at all, just the delivery method.

The GOOD news: On Monday we found out that we’ve upgraded to “Low-laying Placenta” which means that the cervix isn’t being blocked anymore, which is great, but the placenta is still low. Right now it is 1.6 centimeters away from the cervix, and they’d like it to be 2 centimeters away before a normal delivery is considered safe. We’ll go back at about 32 weeks to see if it improves, and if it doesn’t, they’ll probably schedule a c-section. So it is possible that we’ll have our little girl in early September. Is everyone ready????????????? JJJ

So that’s the update. If you want to know more, here’s some stuff I read online about babies at 27 weeks:

According to, which is where I go for weekly updates, our baby girl should be sleeping and waking at regular intervals, opening and closing her eyes, and perhaps even sucking her fingers. With more brain tissue developing, her brain is very active now. While her lungs are still immature, they would be capable of functioning — with a lot of medical help — if she were to be born now. She’s kicking and moving all the time, and I might even start to feel baby hiccups soon (I don’t think I’ve felt them yet though).

Hope this finds you all well!!! Other news: My friend Michelle just found out she’s expecting and she’s about 9 weeks along, and my friend Tori got engaged this morning! We’re all grown up!!!!!!!!! Hope to see you all very soonJ



1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to meet my niece !!!!! hehehe. SO excited !
