Monday, June 1, 2009

Baby Beats


It has been quite a while since I have sent a Baby Beats newsletter, and I’ve received a few requests. Now that things have started to slow down, I thought it was a good time to start back up again!

Today I am 23 weeks and 6 days along, which is just a little over 5 months. We’re well beyond the halfway point now, so you can start the countdown to September 22! Our little girl is about a foot long and this week she’s comparable to an ear of corn. She weighs over a pound now. She has actually about doubled in size since the wedding. Her brain is growing quickly and her taste buds are continuing to develop. Her eyelids, eyebrows, and lips are becoming more distinct. With her sense of movement well developed by now, she can feel when I dance, so I’ve been bopping around a little more to try to keep her entertainedJ.

In the past few weeks since the wedding, my tummy has grown a lot!! I’ve had to go out and buy new clothes, which I’m enjoyingJ I LOVE BEING PREGNANT! Even more exciting is all the kicks I’ve been feeling, and seeing!! Andy finally felt her kick, which was a fun milestone. She actually kicked him in the face a couple of times the other day when he was hugging my belly and saying hello! I can even see her moving from the outside now! It is crazy!

We are scheduled for another ultrasound on June 22, so hopefully we will get a nice picture we can show everyone. We have been talking a lot about baby girl names, but we haven’t narrowed it down yet. The only thing for sure is her newest nickname which is “Slider” – since she’s a “little Burger” J

We’re going to have to start putting together the nursery soon, and the first step will be a fresh coat of green paint. Can’t wait!!


With love,

Baby momma Jilla

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