Thursday, July 16, 2009

Baby Beats

30 Weeks and counting!

Yesterday we hit the 30 week mark. I am experiencing mixed feelings that range from "I need 6 more months to prepare for this!" to "I can't wait to see our little girl's precious little face - come out already!!" All in all, this has been the best 30 weeks of my life and I wouldn't change them for anything.

More about how baby's growing: She is about 16 inches long now, and she weighs about 3 pounds (like a head of cabbage). Her eyesight continues to develop, though it's not very keen; even after she's born, she'll keep her eyes closed for a good part of the day. When she does open them, she'll respond to changes in light but will have 20/400 vision — which means she can only make out objects a few inches from her face. (Normal adult vision is 20/20.)

I've been a little emotional these days, which is supposedly normal for the third trimester. I do think that with everything going on, I am feeling a little overwhelmed. I feel great physically for the 30th week (thank goodness) but between getting the house ready, getting things in order at work, and getting myself ready for a baby ... I am exhausted. I have cried at many silly things that probably shouldn't be making me cry - for example, last week I cried at lunch when Andy and I were overcharged in Faneuil Hall for a tortellini dish that only had 4 pieces of shrimp in it (!) and didn't even taste good! Andy’s such a good sport. The poor thing ~ doesn’t even get a warning before the waterworks start. It's all part of the process though and it'll be worth all the stress once she's here:)

At the homestead, Kelly can finally bite into real food again, so we've been celebrating that ... we even went to Big Andy and Ann-Marie's for a meatball feast last night!!! Cafe Amato met all of our expectations and Kelly was very happy:) We have been talking a lot about the nursery and plan to paint it next week and will plan to buy/set up the furniture within the next week or two ... I bought an IKEA cabinet for the kitchen and I forgot to get doors for it, but it looks great so far! Kelly, Andy and I set it up the other night ... quite the bonding experience ... and we've been searching endlessly for Kelly's jeans that she lost. We think someone stole them. It's all very mysterious ... We are thinking of finishing our upstairs this winter so we're looking into that, and we're of course also going through interviews and such for the day care/nanny search. Andy is excited for his next golf outing which he's planning for next weekend ... everything and everyone is good.

This summer is packed with plans - almost every weekend is something. This weekend, Andy and I will be up in Maine with Denise, Stephen, Mom, Dad, and Jeff. And Kelly is in D.C.! We all deserve a little rest and relaxation. So the condo will be empty, if anyone is looking for a place to throw a party. Just clean up before we get back. I don't have the energy to clean! :)

Lots of love,


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