Thursday, July 2, 2009

Baby Beats

Hey everyone,

Andy and I went to another doctor's appointment this morning, and everything is looking great. We heard the baby's heartbeat again, and it is very loud and very strong! She sounds like a freight train in there! I had to give blood today and I got a shot in my bum! And all without any fainting spells, so all in all a good day.

On August 6 we are scheduled to get another ultrasound to see if things have "adjusted" in my uterus, and hopefully we'll find out that day whether we'll have to do a c-section or regular birth. It'll just be nice to know one way or another so I can start mentally preparing.....

Little girl has been kicking A LOT today, and I just LOVE it! I think we might be brewin' a soccer player in my belly! We're still thinking of names, and we think we might have to see her little face before we can decide. We will start painting the nursery very soon - it'll be a calming green color, with white furniture, and brown teddy bears as a general theme. I'm sure once we have toys and clothes in the room, there will be plenty of pink too:)

We're looking forward to the 3rd (tomorrow), where I am sure we'll see most of you! I doubt the fireworks will happen this year in Danvers, but maybe if we're lucky we can all hop into the Howland canoe and take a ride around the neighborhood.

With love,
Andrew, Jill and baby

p.s. Happy almost Birthday Uncle Jeffrey!!

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