Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Baby Beats - Week 31

Hey y'all,

No, I have not been hanging out with southerners, nor have I recently visited the southern states, but I have to admit, I think that "y'all" is a very useful word. I think I might start saying it more often.

I am due exactly 2 months from today. Yesterday I was officially 31 weeks along. No matter which way you look at it, I have only 62 days until my due date. I have started to research the whole "giving birth" part of this and I must say it is scary. And 62 days? That's not a very long time. So I am in a bit of a pickle. Can't really turn back now, can I? Nope!

I have decided though that I will bring music for my hospital time to help me get through it. I will have a nice soothing CD for the first part of the labor (when contractions are further apart). It will consist of relaxing music to ease my mind and keep me peaceful. Then, I will have a louder CD for the "pushing" part, where I'll need adrenaline and motivation and a good beat to keep me going. Kelly and Andy are helping me make the CDs :)

Hope everyone is doing well.

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