Thursday, January 27, 2011

It's a GIRL!

We had our 18 week ultrasound yesterday and found out that we're having another girl! It'll be great that Abby will get to have a sister. She's going to be a GREAT big sister, and is already practicing by giving kisses and hugs to my belly:) What a doll she is!

So, now we're moving Abby into her new big girl room, and we'll get the nursery set up for baby #2. I can't believe we're having another teeny tiny baby! I can't wait!!

I'll have some ultrasound pictures to share soon, but I have to get them back from Andy. We even got a 3D picture. It's sort of weird, but beautiful too. I guess it's just not as strange to look at when it's your own:)

I'll post again soon with more information. I am meeting with my doctor tomorrow to go over the ultrasound results, so I am sure I'll have some more info to share (size, etc.)

Love you all!
