Sunday, August 9, 2009

Baby Beats - We're Almost There

We had our final ultrasound on Thursday and found out that the placenta has finally moved enough out of the way that we can expect a normal delivery! We are very excited!!!

The best part is that we finally saw our baby girl's little, tiny pudgy face on the ultrasound screen! It's the first time she's moved her hands away so we can actually see her. We got a picture and I'll post it soon to the blog.

We went up to Maine right after the appointment to spend a nice few relaxing days with Denise and Stephen at their Old Orchard Beach condo. It was our last chance for a vacation before this all starts! It was a really nice time, but of course I left the ultrasound picture on their kitchen table, so it will be a couple of days before I can send it to you, since Denise had to put it in the mail to get it to me.

Anyway, all is well in pregnancy land. :) Just 44 days until our due date! :)

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