Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Almost Forgot!! The Tour of the Hospital...

We went on a tour of Brigham and Women's Hospital. That's where we'll be delivering. They have a really nice maternity ward, and they gave us a tour of the waiting area, delivery rooms, and post-partum rooms.

Some things that will be helpful for all of you to know if you plan to come to the hospital:
  • No visitors are allowed until the baby is born. I will be in the delivery room before and during delivery, which is on a different floor than the post-partum rooms. No visitors are allowed and no exceptions are made (except Andy and my "support person" which is my mom).
  • After the baby is born, we will be moved to a post-partum room where the baby and I will stay for at least 48 hours (96 hours if I have a c-section). Visiting hours are from 1:00 pm - 8:00 pm daily. Anyone is welcome to visit!
  • If you come outside of visiting hours, or before the baby is born, you can wait in the waiting area on the first floor of the hospital.

The delivery rooms are all private (thank goodness). Andy will be able to stay overnight with me at the hospital. Most post-partum rooms are private, but I think some are shared. Luck of the draw I guess. The rooms have TVs and some even have DVD players. The rooms also have private bathrooms with showers in them. All in all, they are nice, clean, and comfortable.

The hospital entrance is located at 75 Francis Street in Boston, and there is a parking garage right across the street at 80 Francis Street where visitors can park. It costs money, but its pretty cheap.

Once we're home, family and friends are of course welcome to visit. I have learned through our recent Newborn Essentials class that if you visit us at home, its helpful if you bring me/us something to eat, or something I could easily heat up for later. Cooking for myself will be on the bottom of my priority list! Also, there's a good chance that I'll be low on food/drinks to offer guests since I'll be recovering from giving birth. You might want to bring yourself a drink and snack!

:) Lots of love!


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