Monday, January 25, 2010

It's been 4 months!

Wow, I have sure slacked since Abby was born!!! I am going to backdate some posts to fill in the gaps, and I'll update this with photos of Abby. For now though, I'll just update you on today:

On Wednesday, Abby will be four months old!!!! She had her 4 month appointment today. She weighs 14 lbs, 9 oz (she's gained 6 lbs, 7 oz since birth) and she is 26" tall (she's grown 5" since birth). She is happy and healthy! We are going to start her on solid foods tonight. We'll start with some rice cereal and work our way up to veggies and fruit from there.

Things with Erica, our Nanny, have been working out great. Erica is great with Abby, and she's kind, loving, and fun. She has a 3 year old daughter, Isabella, that she fondly calls Izzie. Abby loves to watch Izzie play, eat, dance and color. She laughs at her for hours at a time! Erica brings Izzie with her about two days a week, and has Abby all to herself on the other two days. It's been great.

On Fridays, Abby is lucky enough to have her wonderful Nonni watch her all day long. We're so grateful that Ann-Marie can do it, and we hope it will never feel like work, even for a second:)

Lots of love to everyone, we wish we got to see you all more often!


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