Saturday, March 9, 2013

Baby #3

So, the last post was from when I was 6 months pregnant with Hailey, who is now 20 months old!! I am now pregnant with my third little sweetie pie. It's a girl, of course, and we only have 7 weeks to go.

My pregnancy with Hailey was a complete roller coaster ride. Right after my last post, we had some complications and I was admitted to Brigham and Women's for almost a week. From there, I was on bed rest and couldn't return to work. I was banned from picking up Abby, and had to promise to stay off my feet and take it easy. Andy was amazing and took care of everything, and we were lucky to have Lauren at the house taking care of Abby during the week, and helping me out too:)

I ended up in the hospital again at about 37 weeks, and the doctors decided to induce me since Hailey had safely made it to full term. Just to keep us on our toes, Hailey ended up turning upside down and I had to have an emergency c-section. She was born on June 10, and from that moment her personality has proved to be the same in the womb as outside of it... she is full of energy, full of excitement, and never stops!

Baby #3

Andy and I are having another girl :) Her due date is on April 26, but I have a c-section scheduled for April 22. I've been having some of the same issues as I did with Hailey and have been at the doctors often enough to keep us all on high alert, but just like last time, every test shows baby and me as perfectly healthy. I am making an effort to take it easy, but it's harder with two kids than it was with one. Andy's great though, and helps so much. More often than not, he's lecturing me that I'm doing too much. :)

This time around, the first time I had an issue was a day after my Uncle Stephen's funeral. I think it was my body's way of telling me how tired I was after a very emotional week. The second time was a few weeks later, when both of the girls were sick with bad colds. Then, the next few times happened a little closer together. I think by now I've had 4-5 incidents. If I'm lucky, I'll make it all the way to April 22, without any more issues!

Andy and I are having a harder time deciding on a name this time around.. we have our list, but it keeps growing, then shrinking, and then growing again out of fear that, of the names we already have, none are quite right. So, feel free to send us your suggestions, but don't be offended by how picky we are:)

That's all for now - I'll see if I have time and/or remember to post again before April 22!


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Latest, and a bedtime story:)

Little Girl Amato (the one in my belly) has been very active! I've been feeling lots of little (and some really big) kicks, and Andy has felt a few too! We are getting excited, and time is flying by. I can't believe I am due in just over 3 months!

We're getting the house ready for baby #2, and the biggest change so far is that Abby moved into her brand new "big girl room" on Sunday. She was so excited to see a brand new crib just for her, and her purple chair, and toys and books! Her walls are blue and her furniture is white. Abby can't wait to show you herself! She loves to show it off.

Thankfully, she's transitioned into her new room very easily and has been sleeping through the night. Tonight she had some extra energy, so I decided to tell her a bedtime story. It worked like a charm. She's growing up! If anyone wants to read it, here it is. I had to write it down so I don't forget! :)

"Where's Mark the Bear?" by Mommy

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Abby. Abby was looking for her cuddly friend, Mark the Bear, and decided to go for a walk through the forest to find him.

Abby climbed a tree hoping to spot Mark the Bear, but couldn't see him anywhere. She came across her forest friend, Mr. Bunny. "Excuse me, Mr. Bunny. I am looking for my friend, Mark the Bear. Have you seen him?"  

Mr. Bunny said "Hello Abby. Why yes, I saw a bear. He was big and brown, and looked really sleepy. He went that way."

Abby walked in the direction Mr. Bunny sent her. She climbed over tree branches, and skipped down trails, and soon she came upon her forest friend, Mr. Ducky. "Excuse me, Mr. Ducky. I am looking for my friend, Mark the Bear. Have you seen him?" 

Mr. Ducky said "Hello Abby. Yes, I saw a bear. He was big and brown, and he was carrying a blanky. He went that way."

Abby thought, why would Mark the Bear have a blanky? She had better find him so she could ask! Abby continued in the direction Mr. Ducky sent her. She ran up a big hill, and danced in some puddles, and as she approached a big field, she came upon her friend, Miss Grasshopper. "Excuse me, Miss Grasshopper. I am looking for my friend, Mark the Bear. Have you seen him?"  

Miss Grasshopper said "I think I saw your friend. Is he big?"

"Yes," said Abby.

"Is he brown?" asked Miss Grasshopper.

"Yes!" said Abby.

"He is right over there in the grass! He walked by just a moment ago, and was humming a lovely lullabye."

Abby spotted Mark the Bear! "Yes, that is him. Thank you, Miss Grasshopper!"She ran toward Mark the Bear, and shouted "I found you!" But Mark the Bear was asleep in the grass.

Abby yawned. She suddenly realized, she was looking for him for so long, that she became tired too. So she lay down in the grass next to her big, brown, cuddly friend, Mark the Bear, and fell fast asleep.

Sweet Dreams, Abby:)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

It's a GIRL!

We had our 18 week ultrasound yesterday and found out that we're having another girl! It'll be great that Abby will get to have a sister. She's going to be a GREAT big sister, and is already practicing by giving kisses and hugs to my belly:) What a doll she is!

So, now we're moving Abby into her new big girl room, and we'll get the nursery set up for baby #2. I can't believe we're having another teeny tiny baby! I can't wait!!

I'll have some ultrasound pictures to share soon, but I have to get them back from Andy. We even got a 3D picture. It's sort of weird, but beautiful too. I guess it's just not as strange to look at when it's your own:)

I'll post again soon with more information. I am meeting with my doctor tomorrow to go over the ultrasound results, so I am sure I'll have some more info to share (size, etc.)

Love you all!


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Tori's Baby:)

Tori has given birth to an ADORABLE baby boy: Salvatore Joseph Colaianni! I love him already and can't wait for him and my babies to be besties! :)

Congrats to Tori and Sal, and welcome baby Salvi!!!

Daddy Sal and baby Sal:)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Finding out in one week

We are 17 weeks along today, and in one week we'll find out if this is in fact a little boy!

For now, I'll tell you that my belly is getting rounder by the day. Our baby's skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone, and the umbilical cord is growing stronger and thicker. He weighs 5 ounces now (about as much as a turnip), and is around 5 inches long from head to bum. He can move his joints, and his sweat glands are starting to develop.

As of right now, we really don't have much to update -- except that my friend Tori is at the hospital right now in labor!!! So, my next update will be to welcome Baby Colaianni into the world, sometime later today I'm sure!!!! We are so excited for Tori and family!

Stay tuned,


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I just got back from the doctors. I had my 14 week appointment today. I am officially into the second trimester! Here's a recording of the heartbeat of our healthy baby!! Enjoy!!

We will find out in just a few weeks whether this little baby is a boy or a girl - Phoebe or Phoebo! Can't wait!


Jill and Andy (and big sister Abby too)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

We've Got News!!!!!

Andy and I recently found out that we're expecting baby # 2!!!

I am due on June 29, 2011 and am only 8 weeks along, but we went to the doctor's yesterday and everything looked great. We saw the heart beat fluttering on this little kidney bean of a baby! It was so exciting and made everything feel much more real.

We're so excited and can't wait to start planning for our second baby. We're planning to find out if it is a boy or girl in late January. We told Abby that there is a baby in Mommy's belly, but without the bump I don't think it translates:) We might bring her to a few appointments when I have a baby bump to let her be part of everything. We're looking forward to sharing all the details with you guys, but so far there isn't much to share. Stay tuned for information as we take the journey to baby #2!

Have a happy Thanksgiving!
Jill (& Andy)