Thursday, November 18, 2010

We've Got News!!!!!

Andy and I recently found out that we're expecting baby # 2!!!

I am due on June 29, 2011 and am only 8 weeks along, but we went to the doctor's yesterday and everything looked great. We saw the heart beat fluttering on this little kidney bean of a baby! It was so exciting and made everything feel much more real.

We're so excited and can't wait to start planning for our second baby. We're planning to find out if it is a boy or girl in late January. We told Abby that there is a baby in Mommy's belly, but without the bump I don't think it translates:) We might bring her to a few appointments when I have a baby bump to let her be part of everything. We're looking forward to sharing all the details with you guys, but so far there isn't much to share. Stay tuned for information as we take the journey to baby #2!

Have a happy Thanksgiving!
Jill (& Andy)